Churning Results

3 days ago, I discussed “true” credit card churning. Well, the results are in for my first attempt:

  • I applied for the US Airways card last year. I collected 40,000 miles and closed the card in December. I just applied for it again and was approved! Another 40,000 miles coming up.
  • I applied for the 2 Hawaiian Airlines cards last year and collected 35,000 miles on each one. I decided to apply again, thinking I had closed these cards. It turns out I made a mistake. I still have both cards open, and yet I got approved for both again! I now have 4 Hawaiian Airlines cards!
The verdict? “True” churning definitely works with these 3 cards. I’m shocked I got the Hawaiian Airlines cards with the original 2 still open, but it somehow worked. I’ll let you know how Round 3 goes with these cards in a few months. I’ll just make sure I close the Hawaiian cards first.
milenerdChurning Results