First Thing On My To-Do List For 2012

Up first is closing the cards I opened in January and February last year. I don’t want to pay annual fees, and considering I applied for 20 credit cards last year, I have a few calls to make. Staying organized is critical in this game, so here’s a peek at what my credit card spreadsheet looks like:

  • The column on the left is the information about the card (spend, bonus, sign-up date)
  • The column on the right is the date I need to close the card (6 to 12 months after signing up)
  • A yellow highlight means I’ve met the spend and received the bonus
  • A green highlight means I’ve already closed the account
  • A blue highlight means it’s a no-fee card so I never have to close it
milenerdFirst Thing On My To-Do List For 2012