Hey Kids, Stop Being So Dumb

Dear Young Nerd:

Nothing prepares you for getting older.

It’s such a strange experience.

Remember saying, “I’m never going to be like that when I grow up”?

Well, you’re going to be exactly like that.

I actually used the phrase, “It sounds like noise” to describe a new song the other day.

I get legitimately pissed when you put Kobe in the same sentence as Michael Jordan.

And it still totally weirds me out that you post your life on social media.

When I was a kid…

(See, I’m officially an old guy. I just started a sentence with “When I was a kid.”)

Anyway, when I was a kid…

I thought respecting your elders was a nonsensical concept.

What did I have to learn from old people?

So I did what kids do and never looked around to see the impact.

That truly wasn’t my problem.

Well, you get older and you see the world differently.

Eventually you become the old person.

And you walk around looking at all these generic young followers trying to fit in.

But having wasted too much time…

Months and years that were lost trying to be someone else…

There’s no way to pretend anymore.

Eventually, you try to find the best version of yourself.

You become more responsible.

Ever notice how I don’t use phrases like “this community” when it comes to miles and points?

Because whatever group you try to lump together as one…I’m not that.

You and I aren’t the same.

I’m not as careless as you are.

I’m not as selfish as you are.

You’re playing in the minor leagues, young buck.

Sure, you’ll figure it out.

Most people eventually do.

So why not start now?

Sure, I’m just a ranting old fart who does things my own weird way.

But maybe you can listen this time and …


The way you act is completely self-defeating. For example, allow me speak in code on this one…

When you steal “certain” items from one store to purchase in another because stock is low…or when 3 of you go in right after each other with the same credit card number…and make the exact same purchase of the same amount…


Don’t be blind about what goes on.

Be a better caretaker of the information that has been passed down to you.

Store clerks and managers talk about you when you leave.

Your shady actions create an atmosphere of distrust that makes it hard for all of us.

Over and over, you single-handedly speed up the demise of deals for everyone.

And it simply doesn’t have to be that way.

Slowly and softly can sometimes win the race.

Frankly, you’re a big part of the reason the last 2 years have been so full of carnage for our best opportunities.

On top of that, what’s with your strange need to write about everything?

And talk about it.

And post it everywhere.

Did the Wall Street Journal really need to know how the US Mint deal worked?

Was Rolling Stone really the best place to talk about loopholes?

I recently asked if it’s the end of the world for this game and got a ton of responses.

I’ll end with this:

Your tunnel vision and endless need for approval and “likes” are a big part of the problem.

You and your generation have taken low self-esteem to a disturbing new level.

But, hey, what does an old guy like me know?

milenerdHey Kids, Stop Being So Dumb