- Get up to 3,000 British Airways miles for a Hilton stay here.
- 100 free United miles here. PointsHound is a new way to earn miles from hotel bookings.
- Meet minimum spends even if you can’t find Vanilla Reload cards. How?
- Make sure you have a BigCrumbs account
- Find a Target that sells American Express For Target prepaid cards.
- Buy one for around $3 and load it with a few bucks.
- Your permanent card arrives in a few days.
- Go back to BigCrumbs and search for “American Express”
- Using any non-Citibank credit card, buy a $3,000 American Express gift card.
- Go to Target and load the Target prepaid card with $1,000 (the max).
- Unload the Target card at an ATM machine ($400 per day max).
- You also get 1.4% back from BigCrumbs ($42) which earns you a little profit.
milenerdHump Day Hustle