Dear Diary:
Haven’t written in a long time. But I’m back for a reason. And searching for the right words…
Because what does a person say when the GREATEST WEEK OF THEIR LIFE finally arrives?!
Here’s what I do know…
The air smells cleaner, the sky is a deeper shade of blue, and “Celebration” by Kool & The Gang is playing everywhere I go.
(At least that’s what it feels like)
Just take my simple breakfast today…
Easily the most delicious bowl of Lucky Charms ever. Pinch me now because I gotta be Irish if the rest of their food tastes this great!
My life right now? It’s even sweeter than these marshmallow stars, hearts, and rainbows…
On Friday, just a few short days away, my dream vehicle is finally being delivered!!!
What does that mean for me?
My days of anonymously walking through the world are about to be over.
At long last, I will be a somebody.
Dear Diary:
Just couldn’t stay asleep last night. But you wanna hear the crazy thing? I’m not even a little tired.
On the contrary…
Feels like there’s rocket fuel coursing through my veins. As if I’m turbocharged. Like I could finish a marathon – and then run another one!
Man, this dream last night was so vivid. A random guy sits behind the wheel of something so beautiful…that crowds begin to gather. A vehicle everyone’s dying to see. A brand-new prototype. Oh, and the person behind the wheel is me! They all want a closer look. People snap my picture as if I’m a celebrity or something. All hoping for a glimpse.
Well, this dream is actually coming true in a few days.
I’ll be the person holding the keys.
The only one of these on the road will be owned by me.
How on earth did I get so lucky?
We take a lot of punches in this life but, every so often, dreams do come true.
Dear Diary:
Current excitement level?
Lemme put it this way…I make Tom Cruise look sleepy.
No need for coffee. I’m human caffeine this week. Like a Frappuccino with feet. The newfound pep in my step that I’ve never known. Are dancing shoes still a thing? Gotta lace ‘em up because I’m practically skipping through the world.
This has been such a long time coming.
Was it easy? Hell no.
I worked like a dog, saving every dollar. For five straight years. Since the moment I learned this vehicle was in development. Realizing one lucky person would have the right to buy this prototype. And that it would be me. Haven’t wasted a single penny on designer clothes or fancy restaurants since that day. It was all saved for this. I’ve eaten more boxes of mac and cheese than I can count. Didn’t even buy a new pair of underwear over these years. Everything was for this. And, honestly, all of my sacrifices were worth it.
I finally know what true joy feels like.
Dear Diary:
I heard from Heather today.
So kind of her to call…
Obviously, I’m the guy who broke her heart. And no denying she was probably the love of my life too. Pretty clear she was “the one.” But we all make choices – and I made mine. Yes, her biological clock was ticking. I understood that. But there’s no way I was ready to have children.
I mean, I wasn’t even buying a new pair of Fruit Of The Looms. How could I budget for a child?
These are the types of sacrifices I’m willing to make. A level of discipline not many can grasp. But, yes, I am willing to live a solitary life if I need to.
I had to get to this week.
To my happy ending.
No matter what it took.
I appreciate her call today. And her new husband sounds like a decent guy. Now, would most people feel a little conflicted about this? Absolutely. But I’m not most people. I mean, she took time out of her pregnancy to wish me congratulations. And I respect that.
Heather knows I finally get the keys on Friday.
She understands what it means to me.
Her baby will have fingers and toes – mine will have 600 horsepower.
Only a few more days.
Dear Diary:
Got into a little debate with my mom today.
Ok, fine, it was an argument.
She just doesn’t understand what I’m doing with my life. And that’s her right. But my choices aren’t for her to decide.
I’m certainly not ashamed.
1 – Yes, I live in a mobile home. Clearly, I needed to cut expenses to afford what’s coming this Friday.
2 – Sure, I’ve lost touch with my oldest friends. Have worked multiple jobs over these last few years. Not like there was any free time.
And, yeah…
3 – I did get so excited about this week that I forgot to call my mom on her birthday.
That’s my bad.
But, really, what I should’ve told her is this…
Grow up, mom.
I’m about to own the FIRST PROTOTYPE of this vehicle. Do you understand what that means? Probably the most eagerly-awaited release in the history of automobiles. A truck that everyone on this planet wants to see. And I’m about to be the first owner. Me! Do you have any idea how exciting this is? How fortunate I was to be chosen? Of course not. Because all you can think about is a phone call. And also how I didn’t show up at the restaurant for your birthday dinner.
Spare me the guilt trip. Try to get over yourself for just a few days, mom. Because your son is about to be the luckiest man on this planet. Have you even noticed what kind of genius the CEO is? Do you understand that this vehicle is his Mona Lisa? Or that I, as president of his fan club, was chosen to purchase the first one ever made? Clearly, you don’t grasp the gravity of this. No, mom…I wasn’t able to take a “test drive.” And, yes, I bought it “sight unseen.” Come on, nobody in the world knows what it looks like yet. You still don’t get it…
This is the biggest moment of my life.
So cut me some slack for having more on my mind than blowing out candles.
I’m about to be somebody.
2 more days to go!
Dear Diary:
When I rise tomorrow, a beautiful piece of artwork on 4 wheels will arrive at my home.
Have I lost the love of my life? Absolutely.
Do I have any friends left? Nope.
Did my mother eat alone at the Cheesecake Factory on her birthday? Indeed.
And it all came in the name of passion. Obsession. Pure determination.
Striving for something bigger.
The delivery is bright and early tomorrow. My five-year mission will be complete. And I’m so excited that I feel like I could burst. What features will it have? How fast will it be? And, of course, what will it look like?
All questions will be answered in the morning.
Dreams really do come true.
Dear Diary:
How exactly do I put this?
Um, yeah…
What the fuck have I done?