A Glimpse
What if you skipped ahead now to your final day?
With nothing left on the list, not a single x-ray.
Settled in one last time on your pillow and bed…
Just a handful of breaths until living meets dead.
Vivid memories from life…all the pictures flood by…
Tornado of feelings but no strength to cry.
The years of money and objects you had to obtain?
Completely forgotten.
That never did heal your pain.
Seems there’s only two options for your final thoughts…
No difference at all between haves and have nots…
You’ll either leave this world thinking of who filled your heart.
Or the one other option before you depart:
A staggering punch into your final sunset…
Reality hits:
“I have so much regret.”
The depth of that pain? Just no way to amend.
Life should have been more…
But you’ve arrived at the end.
Now, let’s jump back to today where there’s still time on the clock.
After viewing the future, how could you sleepwalk?
You’ll want to build a new road to avoid the same path.
Or, emotionally speaking, it will be a bloodbath.
But what can you do with the rest of these days?
If fulfillment you want, not just hollow self-praise.
You can see with more nuance (past the old black and white).
Learn existence is empty when just trying to be right.
You can stay much more present, making room for romance.
Maybe break out in song…
Finding moments to dance.
You can write loving letters to open your soul.
Treat every new birthday…
Like a game-winning field goal.
You can find strangers in need and extend a big hand…
Healing friendships once broken…
Because, now…
You’ll understand.
Fast-forwarding showed the potential forecast…
You have seen it’s all precious and will be over so fast.
Will you choose the new road? Or does it all stay the same?
There is so much available for you to claim.
But history tells us that change is too hard.
We are creatures of habit…
Because we are scarred.
Sure, you may be an exception, there are always a few…
Someone’s inside…
A best version of you.
But did you learn anything from the long jump ahead?
From glimpsing what felt like such inner bloodshed?
Hard to answer today, that will come down the line…
But there’s one thing for sure…
It’s yours to define.