Big Week
Hey, have you heard the news? Apparently, Tuesday is a pretty important day.
This is a quick post for those who are voting for the host of Celebrity Apprentice to run the country.
Disclaimer #2:
Relax. Lower your defensive walls and put down your spears. It’s just me. I’ll always be fair. Which is something we could all use more of after the last few surreal years.
Disclaimer #3:
This post is not intended for full-on cult members who view Donald as the bulletproof lovechild of Wonder Woman and Aquaman. It’s not for those who believe Trump burps rainbows and farts pixie dust. No…I’m speaking to you guys who know he’s a mess and are still planning to vote for him anyway.
Disclaimer #4:
I’m completely aware that there’s a 0% chance of me changing your vote. Please understand that that isn’t my goal at all. I just want to talk in a reasonable way to some reasonable people for a few minutes about this shitshow. Nothing more.
(Ok, we can start now)
Dear Trump voters who don’t have mental problems:
You and I actually agree about something related to this “presidency” and it’s pretty significant…
You shouldn’t be lumped into the same box as his cult members. Those types of sloppy generalizations are part of how we got here in the first place. But let’s be real. Many of you do have clear biases in certain situations. And it’s fine to admit that. You won’t turn to dust for being more self-aware. Obviously, one of the most common generalizations in our society is that politicians are scum. It’s a wide blanket statement. Much like seeing all cops one way, all Muslims, all men, all women, all of the media, all protestors, or all Republicans.
Where does a road of hyper-generalizing things in such black and white ways take us?
I believe this current path will lead us to more intolerance. Which is (obviously) bad. Dumbing down our thinking is not taking us to a better America. So let’s really play it out. What happens if we perceive the generalization about politicians as truth…day after day…and year after year? Maybe we’ll eventually see every human who builds a career in politics as a liar and crook. Maybe some of you are there already. Hey, at this rate, maybe we can have a future where we distrust all politicians, all media, all cops, and all people who seem different than us. That seems like a good recipe to make America great again, right?
Sure, you might not make immature generalizations like your President does on a daily basis. And I’m pretty sure his act is wearing thin for some of you Trump voters. Maybe it’s starting to scare you to see just how easily we humans can create beliefs about entire groups? Or maybe the angry mob mentality coming out of his ignorance-spreading rallies is getting a bit uncomfortable? Hey, I don’t know. I’m just asking. But if we keep stuffing everyone of the same “type” into one big box…how will this shitshow get any better?
I still remember the time before Donald Trump entered politics.
(Apparently, it was only 4 years ago and not 400)
Back then, the man was as famous for being a scam artist as he was for anything else. There wasn’t much confusion about the kind of scumbag he was. It was pretty universally known. Until he pretended to be a Republican and decided to enter politics, that is. And the current scam is clearly his biggest. As an observer of human behavior, it’s fascinating to watch. The way he takes advantage of America’s intellectual laziness is quite a magic trick. This dude can tell a blatant lie that no other President could have ever escaped from…and then just completely distract his way out of it within a day. He does this same magic trick week after week. But what’s most amazing is how he pulls off these escapes. Without using logic or intelligence…he can get out of his jams armed with nothing but nonsensical rambling. It’s incredible.
The key to his White House grift is complete mastery over the art of generalizing. No matter what trouble he gets into or who he wrongs…he can just generalize his ass off about a group of “radical” or “terrible” people from another state, country, or political party. And…like magic…our attention moves wherever he wants it to go. If he has nothing to brag about, he can just use the words “tremendous” and “amazing” repeatedly. And millions of people will still buy it. In fact, the most fascinating show of the last 4 years hasn’t even been Donald Trump. It’s been watching all the hordes of people who truly have no clue they’re getting manipulated by a dumbass.
Yesterday, my jaw hit the floor as he scared thousands of people by telling them what would happen if he lost – and the scary tale was literally just a description of what was happening already with him in charge. Somehow it still worked. This man is Houdini.
(Well, more like Houdini’s dim-witted brother who just pulls lint out of a hat as people go wild)
Guys, it ain’t hard to be a cult leader. All you need to do is follow these 3 steps:
- Observe what a group of people desperately want – and what they’re afraid of.
- Convince them that you’ll give them the good – and stop the bad from happening.
- Gain their trust (which is incredibly easy to do once the first two steps are done).
That’s it.
After the 3 steps are complete…feel free to do whatever the fuck you want to do to your cult members. Because they’ll no longer have ownership of their thoughts. And the best part? They won’t even notice it. Many of them will actually react with anger if someone dares to tell them they’re in a cult. The truth will feel like an attack. Some of your cult members will more have more loyalty to you than to their own well-being.
Is there anything that could get Trump’s cult to turn on him? Doubtful. I think he could probably be cheered for any words that come out of his mouth as long as he says them aggressively. But I am curious how much lower he can take this. Is there a bottom? At this point, could he go on a rampage against the “evil” and “terrible” oxygen we breathe and still get a standing ovation?
I know you didn’t fall for his bullshit in the way his cult members did. But…respectfully…we do live in this surreal TrumpWorld partly because of your vote. And it’s a world where truth and integrity have taken a major beating. I know you vote Republican for reasons that have nothing to do with Donald Trump. And I get that. But, guys, there’s more to this than just politics and policy. Think back to any job you’ve ever had. If an absolute scumbag and cheat was put in charge to run the place…wouldn’t the fallout be very significant in your workplace? If that repulsive boss dealt with office problems by pouring gasoline on every fire on a daily basis…wouldn’t the tension and hostility grow in a big way there?
Pretty simple. If a total piece of garbage is put in charge of any organization, terrible shit will happen within it.
Look, I know people can be weird about politics. It becomes part of their identity. I do get that. I’m not going to change your mind and don’t expect to. But just look at any cult. It’s never easy for anyone to admit they were tricked by a moron.
So I’ll just close with this…
If you are voting for Donald Trump, please don’t mimic his disgusting behavior. And I really hope you won’t normalize it. Don’t put people who have legitimate issues with that man into one simplistic box in your head. Because a lot of them aren’t even Democrats. There are plenty of us who know the Democratic party is a mess too. We’re not attached to either of those teams. But we simply can’t support the kind of disgusting man who is beloved by the fucking Ku Klux Klan. This is not politics as usual, guys. You’re voting for a man whose name is used as the inspiration for hate crimes. A hero for white supremacist groups. This really isn’t normal. And it certainly doesn’t mean that Joe Biden is amazing. Or that he will even be above average on the job. But Donald Trump is a very different level of scumbag. If you honestly can’t see that at this point…it means you’ve built a thick fortress of delusion to hide behind. This is about more than just policy.
If you always vote Republican no matter what…really look at the cause and effect here. You are making a choice. You are voting for this level of indecency on a daily basis for the next 4 years. As well as all of the fallout that will come from it. You are using your voice to say, “I’m ok with that.” And the effect is this…more people will generalize that “Republicans” stand for the things that Donald Trump stands for. And for good reason. Because so many of them are selling out for this. For a disgusting grifter who fans the flames of hatred as a lifestyle choice. I’ve been watching so many of my friends who identify as Republican. As a non-political person, I’ve been hoping for more of them to say they are not ok with this shitshow and cannot give their vote to it. But I’ve been waiting for 4 years now. I doubt I’ll ever identify as Democrat or Republican for the rest of my life. But I’ve never been so eager to vote against someone.
And I can’t believe you’re still standing by this man.