I realize communicating with other humans is a challenge these days…
Why look anyone in the eye and befriend them when we can join a gawky parade of miserable zombies hypnotized by our pocket computers?
Why form deep connections when we can reach new levels of social awkwardness each year?
But, in my experience, zombies aren’t the ones getting regular hotel upgrades without status.
What I’ve observed really isn’t that complicated…
Miserable people who make others feel uncomfortable should find a way to earn top-tier status…
Because they won’t get many upgrades without it.
On the other hand, non-pod people who can appear reasonably comfortable in their own skin…
…the types who tend to put smiles on the faces of others…
…are often the recipients of more “luck” when showing up at a hotel.
A friendly phone call or email to the property can work pretty well.
Googling who the general manager is, talking to that person with some degree of kindness and charisma, and asking for what you want…can work VERY well.
And, in many cases, that’s literally all it takes.
Sure, sometimes nothing can be done…
There aren’t rooms available, the people you’re dealing with are miserable zombies themselves, it takes a bribe, etc.
But, other times, it’s truly just about not being a pod person…
And asking for what you want…
I’ve observed this pattern over and over and over again.
Maybe it isn’t random.
Maybe connecting to each other still works.