- Apply for the Hawaiian Airlines cards here and here. When you get your 35,000 miles on each card, transfer them to Hilton for 140,000 points.
- Apply for the 50,000-point Hilton Visa here
- Apply for the 50,000-point Hilton American Express here
- In a few months, you’ll get an email to upgrade your Amex to a Surpass card for another 50,000 points.
- Assuming you apply for all the cards in Steps 1 through 3 on the same day, wait another 3 months and apply for the Virgin Amex here. After you collect your 50,000 miles, transfer them to Hilton for 100,000 points.
There you go. In 5 easy steps, that’s approximately 400,000 Hilton points after spending and bonuses. In another few months, you’ll be able to “churn” the cards in Steps 1 and 5. Dream vacation, here you come!