Wyndham Rewards Points For Cheap

The Daily Getaway Deals have been unremarkable to me. But today’s edition will sell out fast and is definitely worth a shot. You have 2 chances to buy Wyndham Rewards points very, very cheap. There’s a presale at 12:00 PM EST and the regular sale at 1:00 (you have to “like” Wyndham on Facebook here to get the presale passcode). These are good points on their own but also a great price for transferring to airlines (American, United, US Air, and Delta).

milenerdWyndham Rewards Points For Cheap


I started this blog to post the best mileage deals in the fewest words possible. I don’t want to get to a point where I’m posting deals that aren’t strong. So I’ve decided 5 days a week is more than enough to do the job. My obsession with miles could use a couple days off anyway (and, who knows, maybe yours could too). So unless a huge deal pops up over the weekend, my Saturdays and Sundays will look more like this…


Free Award Wallet Upgrade

I wanted to share 3 Award Wallet upgrade codes with you guys. They’re good for a 6-month upgrade to Award Wallet Plus. Here you go:

  • Invite-28714-OAJFI
  • Invite-28714-NDRJC
  • Invite-28714-PWFXT

Gone, gone, and gone. That was fast! 

milenerdFree Award Wallet Upgrade

Delta Credit Cards

Delta and their Skymiles. Ugh. Well, if you do need some, the Delta credit cards from American Express are available. Spend $750 in 3 months to earn 35,000 bonus miles. The personal card is here and the business card is here

Where do these cards rank for me? Well, since the beginning of 2011, I’ve gotten the following cards:
  • Citibank American Airlines 
  • Chase United Airlines 
  • Barclays US Air (Twice)
  • American Express Hilton Honors
  • Chase Continental Airlines
  • Bank Of America Virgin Airlines
  • Capital One Venture
  • American Express Premier Rewards
  • Chase British Airways
  • Citibank American Airlines Business
  • American Express Starwood Rewards
  • Bank of Hawaii Hawaiian Airlines (Twice)
  • Barclays Choice Rewards
  • Bank of America Hawaiian Airlines (Twice)
  • Citibank Hilton Honors
  • Bank of America Alaska Airlines
  • American Express Business Gold Rewards
  • Citibank Thank You Rewards
  • Chase Marriott Rewards
  • Chase Southwest Airlines

I have not, however, applied for the Delta credit card. 

milenerdDelta Credit Cards

Win 1 Million US Airways Miles

Click here, click “register now” near the top of the page, and enter your information to take a shot at a million US Airways miles.

milenerdWin 1 Million US Airways Miles