Do Better Than The Advertised United Credit Card Offer

This works for most people:

  1. Log into your United Airlines Mileage Plus account (and if you still don’t have an AwardWallet account to do this stuff, I really don’t know what to say).
  2. After logging in from step 1, click here
That’s it. Most people will get the 60,000 mile offer. It’s 50,000 miles after first use, plus 10,000 miles if you spend $25,000 in the first year. 
milenerdDo Better Than The Advertised United Credit Card Offer

Marriott MegaMiles

This one is good if you have some Marriott stays scheduled through April. Earn 2,000 bonus points with each stay here.

milenerdMarriott MegaMiles

For Rich People Who Fly Delta

Prepay $50,000 for Delta travel and get Diamond status plus 20% off fares here. Although, if I had a spare 50k, I’d never fly Delta again. Just saying.

milenerdFor Rich People Who Fly Delta

First Thing On My To-Do List For 2012

Up first is closing the cards I opened in January and February last year. I don’t want to pay annual fees, and considering I applied for 20 credit cards last year, I have a few calls to make. Staying organized is critical in this game, so here’s a peek at what my credit card spreadsheet looks like:

  • The column on the left is the information about the card (spend, bonus, sign-up date)
  • The column on the right is the date I need to close the card (6 to 12 months after signing up)
  • A yellow highlight means I’ve met the spend and received the bonus
  • A green highlight means I’ve already closed the account
  • A blue highlight means it’s a no-fee card so I never have to close it
milenerdFirst Thing On My To-Do List For 2012