Staying at a Marriott?

Earn up to 4,000 United miles by purchasing Marriott gift cards here.

milenerdStaying at a Marriott?

45,000 Delta Skymiles

For 1 week, American Express is offering 45,000 Delta Skymiles for their Delta Gold Skymiles card. This expires December 19th and is a big jump from the usual 30,000 miles. The spend is $3,000 in 3 months. Click here for the personal card and here for the business card.

milenerd45,000 Delta Skymiles

If you’re looking for a new credit card…

Continental goes away for good in the next 3 weeks. It’s last call to get the Continental credit card from Chase, and 30,000 Continental United miles. Click here.

milenerdIf you’re looking for a new credit card…

Win 280,000 American Airlines Miles

Click here to spend a couple minutes planning a vacation and enter to win 280,000 miles.

milenerdWin 280,000 American Airlines Miles

Delta Sky Club Passes For $25

For one more day, you can buy Delta Sky Club passes for $25 through Groupon here. Good price if you’re flying Delta and want to wait in more comfortable surroundings.

milenerdDelta Sky Club Passes For $25