100 More Southwest Miles

As I mentioned last week, this is a 6-week contest. The answers for week 3 are:

  1. True
  2. Amount and type
  3. True
  4. Book a wanna get away fare
  5. Have fun
milenerd100 More Southwest Miles

1000 Delta Skymiles

Download Delta’s shopping assistant here. 500 miles for keeping it 30 days, and another 500 miles if you spend $250.

milenerd1000 Delta Skymiles

Questions Answered About US Airways Grand Slam

I’ve gotten a bunch of questions lately, so I want to answer a few of them here:

  1. My hits aren’t showing up yet. Why? 
    • There’s a lag time that varies. As long as (A) You’ve registered for the promotion, and (B) Your activity is showing up in your Dividend Miles account, you’ll be fine. These hits don’t post instantly.
  2. My Office Max hit isn’t showing up. Is there a problem?
    • Possibly. Office Max isn’t doing a good job. I called 1-877-633-4236 and they manually submitted my miles. Make sure you have your order number before you call.
  3. Super Shuttle says they won’t post miles for no-shows. What do I do?
    • I complained via email. Nothing got done, so I asked for a supervisor. They called me the next day and posted my miles.
  4. Is Mags for Miles not working anymore?
    • Courtesy of reader Cacinda M, here’s a link that works. As far as I know, you have to redeem miles for a subscription (not pay money for a subscription) to get a hit.
milenerdQuestions Answered About US Airways Grand Slam